You play as a hammer-wielding hero as they attempt to scale a mountain brimming with magic crystals. You must traverse the large rooms and twisting corridors populating the inside of this natural structure, but be wary of the crystallized creatures and skeletal remains of past adventurers attempting to prevent you from completing your journey. As you fight through more and more of the mountain’s dungeons, enemies will drop lore entries that help guide newcomers to more nuanced game mechanics, and help hint at the game’s true narrative.

With a procedurally generated layout of rooms and hallways, you never have to play the same layout twice and can always start the game with a feeling of freshness. Each attempt yields various items and spells to add to your arsenal, each with random aspects to them, providing you with various run-altering items, making each playthrough feel fresh and exciting. The hero learns from their mistakes, so while your ascent may get progressively harder the higher you climb, you will be able to retain certain advantages between runs.

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